
We hope to express a spirit of hospitality in all that we do. From gardening and crafting projects to decorating and preparing new recipes, we appreciate the beauty and blessings of life. Joyful celebrations are one way that we add zest to our recipe of life. Homeschooling is another. Welcome to our blog!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Girls ~ May 2010

Hoping you're blessed with a zest for life, ~tambrie



This project is a labor of love for our family.  I'm not techie ~ I only have a camera phone, yet my desire to share our adventures with those we love is why this has been created.  I learn a little with each post, so bear with me as it grows. 

Presently, most photos are of Arabella, however Gabrielle is loved just as much.  Sometimes, she's is sailing while Arabella has adventures that I capture on camera.  Other times, Gabrielle just has a full social calendar.  I am waiting to get with her to post some of her pics to share.  So, photos may not be in order, yet they are here for your enjoyment.

Much love, 

Hoping you're blessed with a zest for life, ~tambrie

Putt Putt Fun plus one ~ Fall 2010

Hoping you're blessed with a zest for life, ~tambrie

Pirate Festival Fun ~ October 2010

Hoping you're blessed with a zest for life, ~tambrie

Arabella Fun ~ Summer, Fall 2010

Hoping you're blessed with a zest for life, ~tambrie

Arabella Soccer, Skating, Storytime ~ Sept, Oct. 2010

Soccer, Day 1, she took to it - naturally!

Soccer, Day1

She looks small, but she is not to be underestimated!

Hoping you're blessed with a zest for life, ~tambrie

Saturday at the Races ~ October 16, 2010

 Stephen had race passes, so Arabella had her own race.  On the starting line, Beary, Kitty Boots, Ellie, Bellie and Uni.

On your mark, get set, GO!

And they round the lap .... first one to make it to the checkered finish line.....


Hoping you're blessed with a zest for life, ~tambrie

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A link Gabrielle likes

Keep scrolling to see a link that Arabella enjoys!

Hoping you're blessed with a zest for life, ~tambrie

Thursday, October 14, 2010